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NPCMod (Multiple NPC Rental Issues)


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Greetings my friends. I have installed this mod but I have a problem. Can't we hire multiple randomly roaming NPCs in this mode? I hired a soldier, but when I go to another soldier or NPC, the option to speak does not appear. More than one NPC could be hired in the promotional videos. In God mode, of course. I couldn't understand because my English was poor. In summary, is it possible to hire more than one NPC in this mode? Or can only 1 NPC be hired?


Mode: https://7daystodiemods.com/npcmod-a-community-project/

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13 hours ago, Evil_Geoff said:

Yes, you can hire multiple NPC's.  However, keep in mind that not all NPC's are hireable.  Depending on what NPC packs you have installed, you may find more, or less, NPC's you can hire.



I actually tried that, man. First I saw a nurse with a gun and the option to speak appeared.
I rented it for 2700 and it came with me. Then I kicked him out of the group. I went to the soldier NPC.
I was able to rent it, too, and I rented it. Then when I went to the nurse again, I couldn't hire her anymore.
Two NPCs could be hired and I could only hire one. This is really weird.

Edited by Kutay (see edit history)
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On 10/1/2022 at 4:36 PM, Evil_Geoff said:

The same bodies are used multiple times.  You might find 5 identical nurses, and two have names and you can hire, and three may not be hireable.  Or all 5 can be hired.  Or none of them can be hired.

It's all random. 


I don't think that's true of the NPC Core characters. Yes, there are different kinds of NPC Core templates (basic, advanced, blood moon), but the neutral NPCs (baker and nurse) are all hireable.

Now, the soldiers are a different story. I assume we're talking about the 1-SoldierPack modlet by DarkstarDragon. That modlet can spawn both hireable versions of the characters (they start with "npc") and non-hireable versions (they start with "survivor").


If you spawn them in using F6 then it's easy to get mixed up. But even if not, both varieties spawn into biomes, and the fact that one is hireable and the other is not is the only noticeable difference. Both use the same character models and weapons.


On 9/24/2022 at 5:39 AM, Kutay said:
I actually tried that, man. First I saw a nurse with a gun and the option to speak appeared.
I rented it for 2700 and it came with me. Then I kicked him out of the group. I went to the soldier NPC.
I was able to rent it, too, and I rented it. Then when I went to the nurse again, I couldn't hire her anymore.
Two NPCs could be hired and I could only hire one. This is really weird.



For what it's worth, I just fired up the game with NPC Core installed. I could hire both a nurse and a baker at the same time. When I dismissed the nurse (with the baker still hired), I could re-hire her.


So there's probably something amiss with your particular setup. By any chance, did you add the NPCCore/SCore/SoldierPack/etc. modlets to an existing game? If so that's almost certainly the issue.

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On 04.10.2022 at 06:43, khzmusik said:


Bunun NPC Core karakterleri için doğru olduğunu düşünmüyorum. Evet, farklı türde NPC Çekirdek şablonları vardır (temel, gelişmiş, kanlı ay), ancak tarafsız NPC'lerin (fırıncı ve hemşire) tümü kiralanabilir.

Şimdi, askerler farklı bir hikaye. DarkstarDragon'un 1-SoldierPack modletinden bahsettiğimizi varsayıyorum. Bu modlet, karakterlerin hem kiralanabilir sürümlerini ("npc" ile başlarlar) hem de kiralanamayan sürümlerini ("hayatta kalan" ile başlarlar) oluşturabilir.


Onları F6 kullanarak ortaya çıkarırsanız, karışması kolaydır. Ancak olmasa bile, her iki çeşit de biyomlara doğar ve birinin kiralanabilir olması ve diğerinin olmaması, göze çarpan tek farktır. Her ikisi de aynı karakter modellerini ve silahları kullanır.




Değeri ne olursa olsun, oyunu NPC Core yüklü olarak başlattım. Aynı anda hem hemşire hem de fırıncı tutabilirim. Hemşireyi kovduğumda (fırıncı hala işe alındı), onu yeniden işe alabilirdim.


Bu nedenle, muhtemelen sizin özel kurulumunuzda yanlış giden bir şeyler var. Şans eseri, NPCCore/SCore/SoldierPack/etc'yi eklediniz mi? mevcut bir oyuna modlets? Eğer öyleyse, neredeyse kesinlikle sorun budur.


25 minutes ago, Evil_Geoff said:

Sunucumuzda 1-SurvivorzPack ve 1-VaultDwellerzPack kullanıyorum. Oyuncu açısından, kiralanabilir ve kiralanamaz arasındaki tek fark, NPC'ye yaklaştığınızda bir diyalog seçeneğinin olup olmamasıdır.



My friends, after a while, I finally found other NPCs and now there are more than 30 NPCs in my group. Actually there is no problem. I just needed to talk to many different NPCs in different places. Special thanks to both of you :)


Apart from that, is there any other addon where the bandits are not a single player but a group? Just like the zombie groups that attack periodically, Turkish bandit groups that will attack from time to time would be very good.

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