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Optimizing the game


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Hello all, I want to ask the developer of the game, will the blood moon optimized? Because it is impossible to play in 5-10 frames. I have a powerful computer i7 8700k 16 gb 1080, my friends have this situation, in the game itself, the number of frames is satisfactory, but in the buildings on level 5 and during the blood moon, especially during the moon, we have 5-10 frames of what the pleasure of playing loses, I want to know whether the developer will do something about it or the release of all and remains so? 

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Because playing with 8 zombies to 1 player is boring somehow especially at the end of the game, I want 24 + and the game does not give, it's sad, or for example when you do a quest on level 5, then in the building at the time of zombie spavnos 3-6 frames per second and it is on a strong computer, and otherwise the optimization is very good 

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Currently skyscrapers (I think you are talking about them, right?) have a problem because they use a lot of bulletproof windows and those windows seem to suck FPS like crazy. One of the programmer said this was fixed for A21.


You still might need to turn down some settings if you want to increase zombie count. This game is unusual in that it is CPU bound and because of voxels needs a lot of power.


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