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[EOS] VerifyIdToken failure: Unknown platform: steam (A20.5 Dedicated Server)


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I can connect to my server fine. My brother which is on the same Wifi is having an issue. It says Server has ended connection with client. It is really annoying. The error "ERR [EOS] VerifyIdToken failure: Unknown platform: steam" is popping up in the 7 days to die dedicated server console.

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Seeing a copy of his game log would be essential to figuring out what's going on. You can copy the output log, paste it to pastebin.com and then post the resulting link here. A guess, without the log, would be having him create exclusions in his antivirus for 7DaystoDie folder and the saves folder located at C:/users/"the username for his pc"/AppData/Roaming/7DaystoDie. The output log files are in the above folder under Logs.

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