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Crashing every time.


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So i stopped playing for a while and wanted to come back to see the new stuff and i cant play at all. 

Most times it crashes on loading character, one twice it has loaded me into my map and then crashes moments after.

I have checked my GPU drivers and even uninstalled and reinstalled them. uninstalled 7d2d and steam both and still no luck.



Please help. i miss this game.

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59 minutes ago, Zyphier said:

Please help. i miss this game.

The first thing to try is to clean the game using the Launcher/Tools/Clean game data... menu.

Check all the boxes and press "Clean". After that, don't start the game. Verify files through steam,

then try again to play.

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12 minutes ago, Zyphier said:

No change.

Since it's a crash to desktop, there should be an error in your Windows Event viewer at the same time stamp as the crash.

Check for that and post the error here. Maybe it will show something of value.

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The Event Viewer is part of the Adminstration Tools on Windows and you should see it in the Control Panel. Easiest way to find it is to type Event Viewer in the search window bottom left of your pc. The Event Viewer logs many event and errors and are listed by date and time. If you look in your 7 Days log, its entries are also listed by date and time. Post any Event Viewer messages from the same date/time as your crash to desktop. Someone here usually has an idea how to translate those messages.

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