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Removing Q6 weapons/items from loot?


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I think its probably an easy one this one but how can we disable Q6 from loot? 

I know that people cant craft them but find them in loot and we want to tweak a few similar weapons basically to help balance things out as/when needed, late game becomes too easy later on and we just want to give this idea a try for now, thanks

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Look for <!-- *** A20_Loot_Quality_Distribution --> in the loot.xml file.  Then on each tier, you will see the chance of quality levels for each lootstage


        <qualitytemplate level="39,40" default_quality="2">
            <loot quality="2" prob="0.264"/>
            <loot quality="3" prob="0.315"/>
            <loot quality="4" prob="0.397"/>
            <loot quality="5" prob="0.552"/>
            <loot quality="6" prob="1"/>


That's from the QLTemplateT0 lootprobability group.  You can setup a modlet to remove all references to loot quality="6".  You might want to change quality "5" in those cases to prob="1" (still learning on probability values).


I went a slightly different route on my end, I changed the prob of Q3 and higher to 0.05.  Still have a chance to find it in loot but more likely to find Q1 or Q2 instead.

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8 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Look for <!-- *** A20_Loot_Quality_Distribution --> in the loot.xml file.  Then on each tier, you will see the chance of quality levels for each lootstage


        <qualitytemplate level="39,40" default_quality="2">
            <loot quality="2" prob="0.264"/>
            <loot quality="3" prob="0.315"/>
            <loot quality="4" prob="0.397"/>
            <loot quality="5" prob="0.552"/>
            <loot quality="6" prob="1"/>


That's from the QLTemplateT0 lootprobability group.  You can setup a modlet to remove all references to loot quality="6".  You might want to change quality "5" in those cases to prob="1" (still learning on probability values).


I went a slightly different route on my end, I changed the prob of Q3 and higher to 0.05.  Still have a chance to find it in loot but more likely to find Q1 or Q2 instead.

Thats not a bad shout, and you do these edits via xpath I take?  We're having a little issue setting that up properly but once we get that sorted we can make these changes!  Thanks for that

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8 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Look for <!-- *** A20_Loot_Quality_Distribution --> in the loot.xml file.  Then on each tier, you will see the chance of quality levels for each lootstage


        <qualitytemplate level="39,40" default_quality="2">
            <loot quality="2" prob="0.264"/>
            <loot quality="3" prob="0.315"/>
            <loot quality="4" prob="0.397"/>
            <loot quality="5" prob="0.552"/>
            <loot quality="6" prob="1"/>


That's from the QLTemplateT0 lootprobability group.  You can setup a modlet to remove all references to loot quality="6".  You might want to change quality "5" in those cases to prob="1" (still learning on probability values).


I went a slightly different route on my end, I changed the prob of Q3 and higher to 0.05.  Still have a chance to find it in loot but more likely to find Q1 or Q2 instead.

Also would you have any ideas on how to copy these 


And create customs copying these values at all to then reintroduce?  I'd like to also colour the rarity gold instead of purple (that line at the bottom of weapon icons)

Thanks in advance

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14 hours ago, RAGE PVE said:

Thats not a bad shout, and you do these edits via xpath I take?  We're having a little issue setting that up properly but once we get that sorted we can make these changes!  Thanks for that

Yes, this is how I did it in my modlet


<!-- ********************************************************************************************************************************************** -->
<!--  Changes to Loot Quality Tables  -->    
    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='3']/@prob">0.05</set>
    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='4']/@prob">0.05</set>
    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='5']/@prob">0.05</set>
    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='6']/@prob">0.05</set>


and this is what it did in my configdump files


        <qualitytemplate level="263,264" default_quality="1">
            <loot quality="1" prob="0.308" />
            <loot quality="2" prob="0.367" />
            <loot quality="3" prob="0.05"><!--Attribute "prob" replaced by: "BFT2020_AllInOneMod"--></loot>
            <loot quality="4" prob="0.05"><!--Attribute "prob" replaced by: "BFT2020_AllInOneMod"--></loot>
            <loot quality="5" prob="0.05"><!--Attribute "prob" replaced by: "BFT2020_AllInOneMod"--></loot>

        <qualitytemplate level="289,999999" default_quality="1">
            <loot quality="6" prob="0.05"><!--Attribute "prob" replaced by: "BFT2020_AllInOneMod"--></loot>


Still tweaking and understanding on how it works out, but based on what I think occurs, the default quality is what happens if it doesn't roll for the probabilities.  So at lootstage 290, if it doesn't roll for Q6, it defaults to Q1.  At those stages, I will probably change the default to a higher Q, say 2 at the least.


Another option is to simply remove the existing loot quality templates and then insert your own custom made ones.  For example,


    <remove xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate[@name='QLTemplateT0']"/>
    <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate[@name='questT3QualTemplate']">
    custom quality templates for T0, T1, T2, T3


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14 hours ago, RAGE PVE said:

Also would you have any ideas on how to copy these 


And create customs copying these values at all to then reintroduce?  I'd like to also colour the rarity gold instead of purple (that line at the bottom of weapon icons)

Thanks in advance


I don't have the opportunity to check this out personally right now (at work so no 7days2Die for me right now), but the colour of the rarity I believe is determined by the qualityinfo xml file.  In that, you would just need to change the 6 hexadigit code for that rarity to the 6 digit code for gold:


    <quality key="6" color="A42ACC"/>


For the first part, I am not sure what exactly you are asking for.


On a side note, something I did in my game (I only play SP though) is that I removed the ability to repair the items like weapons, armour, and tools.  So even though I got lucky and found a T6 iron shovel and T6 iron pickaxe, I was only able to use them until they broke (and then they were melted down in my forge).  That has made a big difference in my playthrough as those items become very valuable, but don't make the end game super easy as I have to either find a replacement for when it breaks or craft up my own (I did bring back Q6 crafting but behind a new perk in the Int tree and expensive to get for T3 items).

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20 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Yes, this is how I did it in my modlet


<!-- ********************************************************************************************************************************************** -->
<!--  Changes to Loot Quality Tables  -->    
    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='3']/@prob">0.05</set>
    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='4']/@prob">0.05</set>
    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='5']/@prob">0.05</set>
    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='6']/@prob">0.05</set>


and this is what it did in my configdump files


        <qualitytemplate level="263,264" default_quality="1">
            <loot quality="1" prob="0.308" />
            <loot quality="2" prob="0.367" />
            <loot quality="3" prob="0.05"><!--Attribute "prob" replaced by: "BFT2020_AllInOneMod"--></loot>
            <loot quality="4" prob="0.05"><!--Attribute "prob" replaced by: "BFT2020_AllInOneMod"--></loot>
            <loot quality="5" prob="0.05"><!--Attribute "prob" replaced by: "BFT2020_AllInOneMod"--></loot>

        <qualitytemplate level="289,999999" default_quality="1">
            <loot quality="6" prob="0.05"><!--Attribute "prob" replaced by: "BFT2020_AllInOneMod"--></loot>


Still tweaking and understanding on how it works out, but based on what I think occurs, the default quality is what happens if it doesn't roll for the probabilities.  So at lootstage 290, if it doesn't roll for Q6, it defaults to Q1.  At those stages, I will probably change the default to a higher Q, say 2 at the least.


Another option is to simply remove the existing loot quality templates and then insert your own custom made ones.  For example,


    <remove xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate[@name='QLTemplateT0']"/>
    <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate[@name='questT3QualTemplate']">
    custom quality templates for T0, T1, T2, T3



 <qualitytemplate level="289,999999" default_quality="1">
            <loot quality="6" prob="0.05"><!--Attribute "prob" replaced by: "BFT2020_AllInOneMod"--></loot>

I did wonder about that last number 289,999999 I saw was the last value in the gamestage tables and I just assumed somehow it means any GS after this then gets Q6 loot as such.  From experience the late game becomes broken because Q6 is spawned in everything with a few XP buffs and skills etc


19 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


I don't have the opportunity to check this out personally right now (at work so no 7days2Die for me right now), but the colour of the rarity I believe is determined by the qualityinfo xml file.  In that, you would just need to change the 6 hexadigit code for that rarity to the 6 digit code for gold:


    <quality key="6" color="A42ACC"/>


For the first part, I am not sure what exactly you are asking for.


On a side note, something I did in my game (I only play SP though) is that I removed the ability to repair the items like weapons, armour, and tools.  So even though I got lucky and found a T6 iron shovel and T6 iron pickaxe, I was only able to use them until they broke (and then they were melted down in my forge).  That has made a big difference in my playthrough as those items become very valuable, but don't make the end game super easy as I have to either find a replacement for when it breaks or craft up my own (I did bring back Q6 crafting but behind a new perk in the Int tree and expensive to get for T3 items).

What would you say if we wanted to make a series of vanilla weapons but just with slight increases and added as Q7, Q8 for example?  

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