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Changing the day length via "sg DayNightLength 180" doesn't appear to work


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I recently started a new game with a friend.  We wanted 3 hour days, but the highest we could set during game creation was 2 hours, so we went with that.


Upon doing some research today I came across the console commands that allow you to change game settings.  It seems that typing "sg DayNightLength 180" into the console should change the day length, so I tried this on a single player game with 60 minute days that I created for testing purposes.  After using this command I tried using "gg DayNightLength" and it reports 180 correctly.  However, time continued to tick by at the same rate it did before.


I tried exiting and reentering the game, but it showed 60 minute day length on the game selection screen and after loading time still moved at the standard rate.  So I tried "sg DayNightLength 180" again followed by "sa", which the wiki just says "saves the world", whatever that means.  I was hoping it would write the new settings out to a file somewhere.  However, when I exited and re-entered the game I was right back to 60 minutes.


This is not being run on a server; just a local game that my friend joins.  So there is no serverConfig file to update.  I looked in "C:\Users\[myName]\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\[MapName]\[gameName]", but didn't see any editable files in there that appeared to contain this setting.


Are these console commands still supported?  If not, is there any alternative to extending the day length?

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2 hours ago, Aesirkin said:

However, time continued to tick by at the same rate it did before.

I tested this and get the same behavior. I doesn't appear that "sg DayNightLength <number>" does anything other than report that it was run. The rate of time doesn't change, nor is it saved on restart.


One thing you could try is to enter Debug Mode (type dm in the console window) and set "Speed" to 2 or lower.

5 is a 60 minute day and 3 is a 120 minute day, so I'm guessing that maybe "1" is 180 minutes.


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17 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

One thing you could try is to enter Debug Mode (type dm in the console window) and set "Speed" to 2 or lower.

5 is a 60 minute day and 3 is a 120 minute day, so I'm guessing that maybe "1" is 180 minutes.



This is awesome; thanks!  Worked perfectly in my test game.


This doesn't require cheat mode to be enabled in game setup, does it?


This will be a great workaround for now.  It seems like I need to do it every time the game is loaded, but we play for hours at a time so that's not a huge deal.  Still, I'd love to see the commands fixed or, better yet, the options on the game setup screen extended in a future release.

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