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Low server FPS (20fps) on dedicated machine.


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Hi All,


I created a dedicated server on a PC with an 8700k, 16GB DDR4 @3200 and an NVME SSD.
This computer is ONLY running Windows, Steam and the server, nothing else but the server performance is poor and can't figure out why. I've tried many different settings but cant seem to get the server fps above around 20. Any suggestions?

Below link with the log and task manager for reference (1 player on the server, fairly new world, day 4)


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Almost missed this because you posted in the incorrect section.


As far as server hardware goes, that isn't a bad setup. Ensure that your RAM timing is actually correct in UEFI though. As you aren't running anything else on it, I would strongly recommend switching to Linux. 10-15% better server performance, and if you use a tool like LGSM, it makes maintaining the server with restarts and updates stupid simple. Plus you can run the server longer before requiring a restart than Windows will due to fewer memory leak issues.  Simple guide is here.


If you would care to post a log, I could look into your issue more. Hard to really tell you anything off of a bad screen capture with no real information to add.

Instructions are in the Pinned thread that you missed because you didn't go to the support section. :)


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