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Issues with launch saving defaults


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Every time I've edited options to launch 7D2D, it crashes, then I go back and see defaults have been saved over again. Anyway to prevent this, IF I can get it working I leave it open for a while. Eventually though I have to fight with it to keep the entries for a very limited amount of time. It really should not be saving anything to the registry/settings unless we specifically tell it to save it's settings. This should be a read only function at launch.

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22 hours ago, Hazard0814 said:

Every time I've edited options to launch 7D2D, it crashes, then I go back and see defaults have been saved over again.

You can edit your options, then exit the game without starting a save. Your settings will be saved and you'll see the new settings

the next time you launch.

It seems your real problem is crashing though, not that your settings aren't being saved.

For that try cleaning your data from the launcher/tools menu. And delete your mods folder if you have one.

And of course post a log as @Star69suggests. There may be a clue to a solution there. Instructions are in the

sticky thread titled "read before posting", or something resembling that.

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