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Electricity confusion in POI editor


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So after digging around for a long time I finally found the info that TFP didn't bother to give us about how to use the editing tools.  I've built a small prefab base in the POI editor and I have some solar banks on top with battery banks inside the base.  Whenever I try to connect the two just like I would in a normal game, nothing happens.  I ready the electrical tool, right-click on a solar bank, then right-click on a battery bank...and nothing.  I've tried it with both type of banks both on and off just in case that's a factor I didn't know about.  Nothing works..a cable never appears, and I'm well within the reach limit for the connections.

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Well, I can get connections between relays and battery banks. so I didn't see any reason for not being able to hook up solars too.  But what I just figured out seems even weirder, because apparently some of the solar banks were fake and I hadn't realized it.  I'd actually placed some Destroyed Solar Banks among the real ones.  I finally got the legit ones to show up under "player blocks" but only once I'd enabled dev blocks.  I've also noticed that every time solar panels are shown in creative their quality is randomized..what's up with that?  In any case I still can't make downstream connections from solar stations.

Edited by bandersnatch (see edit history)
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