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Well I couldnt start the game, and now I cant reinstall it....Missing file Privileges


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So I went to load up the game to play today, and Easy anti cheat said it was NOT installed (game 15 on the unclickable drop down box)
Went to click the button that says install, thinks, then it dissappears and then reappears with the Game 17 unclickable box and asks me to click to install again.....this happens over and over.
So i went to just uninstall then reinstall the game on steam, everything seems fine til about 88%-92%
it fails now, each time saying Missing file privileges......this is about the 11th time.....

So i guess your game is unplayable now? ( i mean i had to validate files after each time i Played before just to keep the game from crashing....)

I have RUN steam on Admin, and I have tried to make sure its not windows stopping it. I currently dont have an ACTIVE antivirus (can only manual scan for viruses.)
(tho i do have a firewall/spyware progam that is active, I have double checked and even disabled them to see.....nothing.)

I had just played yesterday for about 4-5 hours on a friends server (no mods, havent ever played with any at the moment)

So I have just the base game that was at the most recent update (which is what started this have to validate after each game i play, to fix the files that go bad each time.)

But I believe your Easy Anticheat is causing the issue and I cant figure out why.  I do use an older windows 8.1
(yea i know I could of upgraded to 10 for free at one point but eh didnt want too)

but you game wont even install now.....I cant figure out why.

Edited by Enlonwhite (see edit history)
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So you started steam as administrator? Is that even possible? Anyway, my guess is that you probably now have files in the game directory that can't be written to as normal user. Solution to this would be: Go to your game directory and delete it completely, if neccessary as Admin. Then install the game again with steam started normally.


You can turn off easy-anti-cheat in the game launcher. Do that and you'll see if EAC is really the culprit.



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First have some friend in an IT help departements look into this, this is something I have done in the past when i dont want to spend hours or days trying to fix something.
Eac is still the suspected culprit on how this started, in what caused this to get worse.

While running Steam in admin mode, just takes some time to setup but then its done.
(yes this is actually really easy to do, once you setup several files and folders with these permissions. while setting up the shortcut to default to that mode)
in any case, what finally had to happen was a Total restart of the computer, a FULL steam Library REPAIR ( i have over 300 gigs of games to have it look through).
Then finish the Reinstall of the game, (we would of had to uninstall it had I not already done so)

now it works, and I am going to test if this fixed the need to do a repair after every game too. (if so then a fresh install after every update might be required)

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Strangely most users of 7 days don't need to do repairs after every game or upgrade to a new sub-version of the game, eac enabled or not.


But most users do not play on windows8.1 and don't use steam as Admin. So I would say either of this has a good chance of being at least partly responsible for your problems.


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