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Question about trader quest tiers


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My understanding of the trader quest system is that you do enough tier 1 quests to unlock tier 2, do enough tier 2 to unlock tier 3, and so on.  When completing a tier you get a reward.  We've done 2 tier 5 quests since the quests offered are 4km away on average and a lot of tier 4 quests.  Last night we turned in our tier 4 quests and I completed tier 5 for the trader and got a reward for it.  Was this a bug or do you just need to complete a certain number of quests to complete the current tier regardless of the quest tiers that are taken?  Like does each tier give a different point value towards completing the current tier and you just need to reach that many cumulative points to finish the tier?  I'm starting to question my understanding of the system now lol.  

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32 minutes ago, Sjustus548 said:

I'm starting to question my understanding of the system now lol.

Youtuber-rumors here, but apparently the tiers will give proportionate "points" for completing a tier. So, one point for Tier ones, 5 for fives. And the total needed is something like Tier X 7 or something.

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Wow so if true I could run 9 t4s and get the clear reward I'd have gotten from 7 t5s... Considering I can do two t4s in a day and a t5 takes me like a day and a half, that's a way faster path to the prize. And you can get Q6 T3 gear from t4 rewards anyway so that's not bad at all.


That said, I don't have enough experience with T5s to know which ones have sweet loot to offset the time spent. The Shotgun Messiah factory is a pretty nice place to clear out if I can find one.

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22 hours ago, theFlu said:

Youtuber-rumors here, but apparently the tiers will give proportionate "points" for completing a tier. So, one point for Tier ones, 5 for fives. And the total needed is something like Tier X 7 or something.

Looks like this is exactly how it works. Tier 5 would be 5x7=35. I just did 1 tier 5 quest and 8 tier 4s which would be 37 "points" and triggered Tier 5 complete. Only took a few days and now I have my unfairly good T5 rewards.

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