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repair wall blocks?


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in 19.4 i used to be able to repair walls, instead of replacing the entire block, making it easier. was this a mod? i cant seem to be able to do that with alpha 20 was that removed or was it a mod of some description,


thanks in advance.

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2 minutes ago, ElDudorino said:

Right-click on the wall with a stone axe, claw hammer, or nail gun and you'll repair it if you have enough of the base material.

yeah i tried that, but it only repairs it as a broken wall, i'll post a pic later. (not ingame at the moment)

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If you're talking about the blocks that look like they're broken sections of brick/wood/cement when you first see them and haven't been damaged by either you or an enemy critter/zombie they had their upgrade path yoinked with the update to A20 so you can't "repair" them anymore. TFP also dropped their hp by allot so that they are easier to break out and replace with new blocks for the player.

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