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bed roll vs making a bed


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quick question everyone about the bedroll vs making a bed..   If i create a king bed in the game and lay it down in my base, is that the same thing as making and  putting down the bed roll because i noticed when i made the king bed it put a icon on the top of my compass as a bed but i didn't make a bedroll yet.. when i did make a bedroll and laid it down. the bed was no longer on the compass. so is it the same making a bed in the game as the bedroll does and if you do die you spawn on the bed you made.  please help

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The King Sized Bed works as a bedroll as well, it's just one that you can't move.  If you put down a King Sized Bed it will be your respawn point.  If you put down another bed or a bedroll it will overwrite the King Sized Bed and it will just become a decoration.  I thought I read somewhere that you could put down multiple beds and just switch between which one is your respawn point but maybe I just dreamt that up.

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Yep, Sjustus548 is correct.  If you plan on putting bedrolls out as a spawn point, then don't use the King bed.


However, if you play Dead is Dead, then use whatever you want.


I eventually go with the King bed no matter how I play because I don't want the spawn point to be outside of the POI I was in when I died, but back at my base.  Forces me to walk / bike all the way back to the POI to get the stuff outside of the POI I left (I play delete on death).

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