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A20 end game


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Observations and rambling on a20 endgame.


 Found going from trader to trader a constant thing. Traveling back and forth doing distance POI's. The general plan of travel was clear out the truck, load the truck into a backpack then hop in the gyro for long distance travel. Then once there, deploy the truck and put the gyro in backpack. This was a lot of inventory management and vehicle shuffling.


While eventually getting frustrated with this need to shuffle inventory to use multiple vehicles, got to thinking would be really cool to just be able to pay a trader to teleport me to another trader.  Basically town to town instant travel, but at a caps cost.


However, got to thinking that teleport is a bit too magical. So how about human cannonball instead. Basically, once you have cleared tier5 quests for a trader, the trader opens up the ability to purchase cannon ball shots from 1 trader to another trader already discovered. Course this would need some kind of parachute system or wing glider system for the player to land. 


 This human cannonball thought lead to "what if there is a way to win and escape the wasteland?" , clearing all tier 6 quests(a21) provides the option to purchase from a trader a super cannonball shot that shoots you off the map back to civilization. 


/end Rambling man


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I wouldn't mind it if after the storyline and factions come out if you could get a lift from one settlement to another if your rep was high enough.  That would be pretty cool.  I do wonder what the end game of the storyline will be.  If they are still planning on doing factions can we decide to side with the White River Traders or the Duke?  It's going to be pretty interesting to find out.

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