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My horde base just leveled up!


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My wife and I were doing 2 Tier 5 quests in the Wasteland and during the second one the air drop appeared and landed in the Wasteland with us.  On the way out we decided to risk it to go and grab it to see if there was anything good.  There were 3 Corn on the Cob and 500 blocks, which at first I thought was kind of bad but at least I wouldn't need to craft wooden blocks for a while.  It wasn't until I got home and was unloading that I realized that they were actually Steel Blocks instead of the wood I thought it was.  I'm definitely going to be upgrading my horde base setup now and I feel more secure than ever lol.  I love the changes to loot stage for different biomes so much.  The Wasteland is a horrible hellscape that has completely fallen to the undead legions but man do I love spending time there now.  Such a huge improvement and I can't say enough nice things about the recent changes.

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