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Dynamic Mesh Issues on dedicated - any debug/admin commands etc?


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I run a couple of multiplayer servers (relatively low pop) and on both I've got a few weird things going on with the dynamic mesh system. On one I've got a trader which doesn't load a distant mesh at all - it just pops in suddenly when you get close enough... but you can actually see a player-built structure on the other side of it..


On the other, I've got player-built structures showing up fine from a distance (and it looks great, we all love it), but in one area they just refuse to do the dynamic mesh thing. Good old A19 base popping up out of nowhere once you're within about 100 blocks behaviour.


Thirdly, I've had players report impostor blocks when they're inside POIs (similar to the A19 bug where doors would be replaced with marble, and trash is replaced with small tiled cubes etc) which makes questing in the POIs very hard. Oddly, it's consistently within a small area in a city, and it's not affecting those same POIs in another part of the map. And it's affecting all players simultaneously, which is why I think it's linked to dynamic mesh rather than to the A19 bug which seemed more memory-linked.


All this to say - is there anything we can do as admins to manage the dynamic mesh system (other than the settings in serverconfig.xml) for example, a dynamicmesh reset console command, similar to a chunk reset but designed to clear the dynamic mesh cache? Any debug information on it? I've tried deleting the localsave for the server and redownloading the world but the issue persisted, and I've tried removing the DynamicMeshes folder on the server to force a regeneration but it persisted beyond that too.

Is there any info I've not had access to so far?

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The only thing I have discovered are some undocumented serverconfig.xml settings...


	<property name="DynamicMeshEnabled"			value="true"/>				<!-- Is Dynamic Mesh system enabled -->
	<property name="DynamicMeshDistance"			value="2000"/>				<!-- Dynamic Mesh distance -->
	<property name="DynamicMeshUseImposters"		value="false"/>				<!-- ??? -->
	<property name="DynamicMeshLandClaimOnly"		value="false"/>				<!-- Is Dynamic Mesh system only active in player LCB areas -->
	<property name="DynamicMeshLandClaimBuffer"		value="5"/>				<!-- Dynamic Mesh LCB chunk radius -->
	<property name="DynamicMeshMaxRegionCache"		value="3"/>				<!-- How many regions can be processed concurrently, higher values use more RAM -->
	<property name="DynamicMeshMaxItemCache"		value="6"/>				<!-- How many items can be processed concurrently, higher values use more RAM -->


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Another thing to consider….previous posts with similar issues, the server had some A19 files mixed up with A20 install. It was an issue with the particular batch files that some of the server providers were using to install A20. I know that Pingperfect fixed it on their end, I’m not sure about the other server providers. If the server is your own, then a wipe and clean install of A20 should fix your issues. You could also post the server log here using pastebin to let someone look and see if there are any issues mentioned in it.

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This may not be related, but I believe a player on my server is having an issue with dynamic meshes as well.

This player really enjoys exploring and I'm wondering if the dynamic mesh is getting overloaded or something due to him exploring so much of the map?

It's PREGEN10k so it's definitely not due to a custom map.


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