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3 gripes


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First I will start with this;     I LOVE the direction that 7 days is going. It has come a LONG way from since I started back in A10.  

The cities look like actual cities now and I can't wait till all the polish bits are added from A21.

From the bottom of my heart,  THANK YOU.


Now for my 3 main gripes:


1. FPS

I usually play on Ultra and bounce anywhere from 80fps to 190s depending on where I am on the map.   The Tier 5 buildings are causing major fps drops to where I average around 30fps.... especially on the Dishong Tower.  The new Crack-a-Book HQ I was up around 40fps


2.  Vehicles falling through the map....

Several times I've come back to my base only to find my 4x4 or motorcycle buried about 300km beneath the surface or half-way across the map.

I've also had my robotic sledge fall through the ground during a horde night.


3. Block stability

Have spent hours grinding materials, building a massive horde base only to have it fall because of the stability bug.  Only way to fix it at the moment is to use the 'Recalculate Stability' button in DM mode




Yes I know that this is still in Alpha.  I still love this game and can't wait to see how amazing it will be once it goes Gold.

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Yes FPS is the only problematic issue that the game has for me. Fighting and looting in cities is momentarily unbearable as I drop down to 5-15 fps there . I can't hit anything, once I shot my shotgun of it's 9 slugs empty into the air trying to hit a zombie who was in melee range at 10 fps. Blood moon hordes are just more of an AFK simulator at the moment as I sit on a roof and scope in, take 10 seconds keeping up with the lag simultaneously and finally hitting the shot. I dropped the count down to 24.


Touring through the skyscraper was a nightmare, especially the small parkour parts where you have to jump over some planks and below you is a pit you'd easily die from. I did not jump because the game was lagging hard and I did not want to risk it. And I'm level 100+, cornered by radiated wights, cops and bikers and surronded by fallpit, half broken walls, all sort of holes I could fall off and die in requiring careful movement, at 10 fps. It took some effort and sweating to get up there but I did clean it entirely somehow.


Blood moon in a big building or inside a city? Forget that, the game will drop a nuclear bomb and turn your computer into a wasteland apocalypse instead.


Other than that, the game runs smooth as a butter when there's no heavy activity going on.


My machine is pretty above average, it isn't the best but I believe this game is so CPU intense that I won't see dramatic changes if I do upgrade.

Edited by DominionZA (see edit history)
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