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All I want for Christmas is a craftable Santa Hat


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If any bored modder elves could do this for me, I'll leave out virtual cookies for you. It's only two days till Christmas and I'm worried that I won't find one because I found a beaker on Day 1 and I think that means that the game is not going to give me anything I want ever again. 


So if I could craft a Santa Hat that would be amazing. My head is chilly and I'm feeling like I haven't reached a suitable level of festive.


Please and thank you. ❤️ 

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    *                        *             **           *

          *   *         *    *                  *           *

*   *   *         *   *  *              *            *           ** <- That's snow

8  <- That's a snowman                                           


            ~(()--()) ~~             <- That's a bow


|               |   |                   |

|Doughs-Craft-SantaHat |<- That's a craftable Santa hat recipe inside a present.  Feel free to change up the ingredients. Hope it works, I barely tested it. Might try it in a new game just to check

|               |   |                  |



~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ *HO HO HO!!!!! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~



1 Coal

3 Eye Candy Candy

1 Covert Cats Candy

10 Cloth

1 Red Dye


Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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Oh my goodness! I just came back from having dinner out and there it is!! Thank you so much! And that list of ingredients is so very appropriate!


Thank you so, so much! One virtual cookie delivered, along with my gratitude. ❤️ I'll let you know how it goes once I've gathered the stuff.

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