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Spawning players prefabs A20


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Hello, how do I spawn prefabs in the A20? For the A19 I had a rwgmixer.xml with something like this:


<append xpath = "/ rwgmixer / prefab_rules / prefab_rule [@ name = 'prefabList']">
<prefab name = "FLESHUS_Robin_Hood" prob = "0.05" />


Is it obsolete now?

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43 minutes ago, Fleshus said:

Hello, how do I spawn prefabs in the A20? For the A19 I had a rwgmixer.xml with something like this:


<append xpath = "/ rwgmixer / prefab_rules / prefab_rule [@ name = 'prefabList']">
<prefab name = "FLESHUS_Robin_Hood" prob = "0.05" />


Is it obsolete now?

You just put the prefab in the prefabs folder. Make sure they have the correct tags and road connectors if outside of downtown and commercial.


Wilderness uses road exits and each district like rural, residential, industrial,  countrytown, and countrytownresidential each have their own driveway marker.  

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Ok for any bigger then 25x25, 42x42,60x60 and 100x100. A custom tile is needed. (Keeping in mind a tile is 150 x 150 and needs roads exiting/entering 8 blocks wide so neyween 71 blocks from either end) for downtown, commercial,  industrial,  residential,  countrytown and countrytownresidential.


Rural can take bigger pois upto a certain size but any big ones need to go wilderness only. 

For your big one I would mark it rural or wilderness. 


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35 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

Ok for any bigger then 25x25, 42x42,60x60 and 100x100. A custom tile is needed. (Keeping in mind a tile is 150 x 150 and needs roads exiting/entering 8 blocks wide so neyween 71 blocks from either end) for downtown, commercial,  industrial,  residential,  countrytown and countrytownresidential.


Rural can take bigger pois upto a certain size but any big ones need to go wilderness only. 

For your big one I would mark it rural or wilderness. 


Ok thank you for your explanations. I had heard about these "tile" systems that I don't know how they work, but I imagined that it was a particular trick to generate neighborhoods. Basically a prefab of prefabs. I didn't think this had become the default system for the generations of all POIS. (well for some tags ...). I do not yet see the point of this new system. Frankly it blows me up, but I'll try to put rural as a tag for now.

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