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Zombie Bear and water


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This seems to be a bad luck roll. I had a similar thing happen to me on the first game I played, a dire wolf spawned on me near the traider. Then another dire wolf attacked my camp on the second night.


The way I play the game if I don't like the way my character is developing, I'll stop the game and start a new one.


I'm on my third playthrough and an encounter with a big bad predator hasn't happened to me except that first time.


Water is not that hard to find. Just look for a ditch or a water tower.



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Yes, bears can be seen very early. They should mostly not be attacked but avoided.


Re water: I went 10 days without a water source until I noticed one just 8 meters away from my base !! I was so intent on looking for water sources I knew from before that I totally missed all the water around me in the village.



Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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