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Bug Region error Map


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Hi , almost every server restart i have error in console :



  1. **Exception: Incorrect region file header! Saved\World/Hazmat Z/Madara\Region/r.0.0.7rg at RegionFile.Get (System.String dir, System.Int32 rX, System.Int32 rZ) [0x00086] in <8aa353f1b2f74de7a462db7ce1e4f74a>:0 at RegionFileAccessMultipleChunks.GetRFC (System.Int32 regionX, System.Int32 regionZ, System.String _dir) [0x0005c] in <8aa353f1b2f74de7a462db7ce1e4f74a>:0 at RegionFileAccessMultipleChunks.ReadDirectory (System.String _dir, System.Collections.Generic.HashSetLong _chunksList) [0x00088] in <8aa353f1b2f74de7a462db7ce1e4f74a>:0 at RegionFileManager..ctor (System.String _loadDirectory, System.String _saveDirectory, System.Int32 _maxChunksInCache, System.Boolean _bSaveOnChunkDrop) [0x000a6] in <8aa353f1b2f74de7a462db7ce1e4f74a>:0 at ChunkProviderGenerateWorldFromRaw+d__16.MoveNext () [0x009e3] in <8aa353f1b2f74de7a462db7ce1e4f74a>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <544fca0986d54eca88fc7c56e2a8b4b4>:0**

    To fix the problem , i must delete from save/world/region -r.0.0.7rg 

    And then restart server and he work.

    My server its hosted almost from 4 years and its first time when i have this error ..... any ideea ?
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I'm seeing this across multiple servers (maybe around 3%) I sat down with one server that had the issue and ended up deleting the following


Now obviously this will be different for everyone, but that was a lot of regions that ended up getting reset, do we know what maybe causing this problem?


The server has also generated a lot of error_backup files as well for this world.

For this instance the map was PREGEN8k. Due to the size of the log (112MB) I've uploaded it to google drive, however I have redacted customers information (paths/IPs/IDs)


Edited by Khurune
Typo. (see edit history)
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