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Intercity Roads


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So, the new cities and everything about A20 seems really excellent so far, with one exception.  I don't know if this is just bad luck on my part, or is consistent for other people, but the roads between cities are lacking.  I don't mean to say they're bad, I mean I've found 4 cities so far (5 if you count the 1 street old west tourist trap town) and my starting city (city A) connects to one other city (call this city B), and the other 2 cities (cities C & D) are connected, but there are no roads between my starter city or city B and cities C or D.  Basically, I've got 2 groups of 2 cities with no roads in between.


There is, granted, a "mountain" range kind of in the middle of all the cities, but without going too far out of the way one can get to city C without having to traverse the mountains (though you have to go cross country.)  I don't know if this is intended, or a bug, or what, but it's fairly frustrating having to go cross country (though nowhere near as bad as it would have been in A19) to get to cities C & D.  Granted, I've mostly only gone to them to do the trade routes quests, but I'll probably end up moving to either city B (a large city in the forest) or city C (a large city in the desert) since my starter city isn't one with a city center/skyscrapers.


Anyway, the point/question is whether or not this lack of intercity roads is intended, is it a bug, or did I just get really unlucky?

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