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crouch not just for stealth


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It would be nice if crouch actually made your hitbox smaller so you could go through a 1 block opening. Also, crouch+jump for a 1 block opening that's raised 1 level. I shouldn't have to be as stupid as a zombie and whack a 1/2 height barricade to pass it instead of stepping over or crawling under it...
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+1 completely agree. Its kinda weird that when we crouch we can't squeeze through a 1 block gap. Crawlers and dogs can already do so. So I don't think its completely illogical for us to be able to squeeze through if we crouch down as well. It will make for much better gameplay experience as well.
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I definitely want crouching to allow you to move through 1 block spaces. It just makes sense. Prone would be useful, but only really in pvp because crouch already stealths you. Now if going prone gave you a bonus on your stealth rating I could see that, but usually all you need is to crouch to get past zeds.
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