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Small ambiance/sounds additions for certain blocks: end the dead quiet POI, add more block specific noises!


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In the game there are some nice audio ambiance associated with a few block types. Usually its the large store signs buzzing or the dumpster/bodybag flies.


I propose that having a few more of these quiet, but eerie sounds associated (and emanating from) certain blocks would be a really nice touch as a lot of POI's are just dead quiet until zeds start moving around. The other common sounds are you walking on trash bits.  Otherwise its dead silent unless the background audio kicks in or something is stumbling about outside.


Proposed ideas, should any devs ever see this :). For all ideas, this isn't "every block like this would have sounds" it would be random like the loot helpers so only some blocks would have sounds and other similar/identical ones would not so as to randomize the sounds in a POI.


1. There are several in game clocks.  Cool, add creepy clock ticking to them.  Even if the hands don't move, just make it sound like a slow broken "tick.........ca-chack" ticking.

2. There are several water features in a POI.  tubs, sinks, toilets. Add some slow, creepy water dripping. Enough you can hear it if you're outside a small bathroom

3. There are lots of lights in a POI.  Some are markers, some are obviously part of the building or just plugged into mains power or flickering. Make some lights buzzing or for flickering ones add a hiss/snap/crackle as if they're shorting

4. Add moving ceiling fans and them moving/humming/squeaking.

5. Lots of lights on... so power exists.... and all TV's are turned off/black/silent?  Add some simple static/test pattern/noise.  it doesn't have to move or be animated on screen so even a white or "broken screen " look would be neat with some loud garbled audio playing.

6. "beeps" or "ding" every now and then for open Microwaves/fridges.

7. They're not visible, but some sort of "home security beep" might be neat.  Just a random 'boop".  It would require a new block to be added to represent the security system.  Of course, adding on a "the security system could go off and alarm unless you turned it off (destroyed the block?) before entering" would be amazing if it called zeds to the house/block.

8. The are lots of "burnt stuff" in the game.  these are usually put into fireplaces, but also scattered everywhere.  Add a simple "crackle" or "pop" to it. It would be a nice touch in a house, but some place like the existing burnt forest it might be a really nice effect.

9. Trees (yeah its not in a POI) don't have any sounds... they make all sorts of sounds in nature.  little creaks and whooshes when wind hits them. birds/insect noises could be added to them.  If it were loud enough you might hear them when they are near a POI and you're inside.

10. "creaks/bangs/etc".  All the POIs mostly look "old/dilapidated".  You would expect just some random (material specific sounds... like wood different than metal) to be occurring, especially if its windy.  Little creaks and pops from random movements every now and then. You could probably attach this to special blocks put under/near stairs of any type of material and it would probably work pretty well.

11. "invisible animals": if they remain in the game, add some cricket or cicada tiny frog sounds to them.  I assume they would have to be "biome specific" then... but it might be a neat re-use of an invisible animal and it might wander over to your base and wander away (or just stick around and annoy the crap out of you...just like real life!)


For all of these: if the audio could be associated with the XML for modders, it would be amazing as all sorts of variations beyond vanilla sounds could be added obviously, but if it cannot be then still I feel these would be nice improvements to existing blocks.




Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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All the game's sound is sub-par, it's an area they've totally neglected. I really hope all the sounds get a proper overhaul, I believe most of them are stock sounds from the unity store including all the zombie vocals. They seriously need to hire a dedicated sound guy to overhaul the entire game as well as hire a few heavy metal vocalists to do some proper zombie voices.


The generic cheery birdsong in the forest areas drives me absolutely nuts, it's so inappropriate and immersion breaking. They need to replace it with eerie wind-through-trees sounds and crow calls. A professional sound guy would know how to make this game 1000% more creepy and atmospheric.

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