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suggestion: super janky automation stuff


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I thought it would be cool and useful if we had a way to automate some basic stuff, like item sorting and maybe even low-level crafting. I'm not talking about everything automated, because this isnt a factory game. I'm just talking a super basic automation system to remove some of the more tedious aspects of the game, so players can focus on building, raiding, and exploring, instead of focusing on crafting and item management.


My thought is that there would be a super janky way (so it fits with the apocalyptic theme of 7dtd) to move items around, so that you could have a mass dump chest where you dump your whole backpack into it after a bunch of raiding or mining, and then it moves all those items at a slow rate to designated boxes through a simple sorter and tube system.


This basic item transport system could even be used to add automatic crafting of simple things like food/drinks. this could help alot with the micromanagement needed for food, drinks, and ammo. I find in my server we spend alot of time crafting ammo parts, food, and water, and it takes away from doing other things and can get tedious, especially when bulk crafting. item transport would also be super helpful over longer distances between main bases and remote bases, and could even be lootable/destructable by other players and even the bandits (once those are done).


A simple automation system could even be used to bolster the electrical system, by adding in simple light sensors, and other basic sensors to trigger other electrical items. I would also love to see an improved and more detailed alarm/camera system added in, which could use a basic automation system to focus the cameras, and have indicators of where an enemy was spotted. this would greatly improve the usability of these systems without breaking the game.


I'm curious if this is a planned feature, or if it is an interesting idea for TFP.

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9 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

Not a planned feature.  They are not intending to make 7d2d a factorio or satisfactory type pf game

Well this sounds like more like minecraft on mods. They are quiet popular- and honestly i think maybe automatic farm could work.  well we have drones so farm could be "take care bu robots"

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