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Hello, my problem is that my friend cannot connect to the servers I created (there were no problems with this before, more than 200 hours were played *).
I no longer have an active icon - invite a friend
My friend doesn't see me in the list of available servers
A friend can't join me via Steam, there is no item - join the game.
The problem may be related to the fact that I recently replaced the router with tp link on huawei ws5200.

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thanks for adding it here and hopefully the guys here can help B U T

you need to following this link below so the guys can have more to go off of.

please read Hated's post on making a usable report.


QA Tester-unholyjoe

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2 minutes ago, Duxser said:

 this topic is as similar as possible to my problem, only I associate my problem with the replacement of the router


Click the link above and follow instructions.  It is important that you share information requested if you want any assistance.  Otherwise, everyone here is just flying blind trying to help you.

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