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Steel tools schematic


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Help wanted.

I apologise if this has been asked before.

Is there a skill point path around the steel tools schematic.

I cant find the steel tools schematic anywhere.

I can make steel, I have steel tool parts but can't for the life of me find a schematic.

Thankyou for allowing me to ask my question.

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It looks like only a schematic at this point.


You can always search an item. It will tell you it's unlock. Plus it's needed apparatus.

I have the schematic, but I never use it. Looting is better. Never have need to craft anything really. Got great tools from looting. Plus you can't craft the best items. Maybe in A20 crafting will be worth it again.

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18 minutes ago, theronmad said:

Hello everyone. I have been playing relatively recently, but I also faced such a problem, we need circuits. I thought about looting, but it seems then they will be able to track me down and then "karma" will do its thing


This is part of the game, you need to loot to be successful. Remember that you are faster than the zombies. Make lots of arrows, run away from zombie, shoot, run away further, shoot, ...

Next learn melee: Hit zombies with a club and immediately turn and run away a small distance. Hit again, turn and run away. If you get hit and lost too much health, go back to using the bow


Next learn better melee: Hit and backpedal. Only if the zombie starts to walk faster (called rage mode), turn and run instead


Also you might turn down difficulty, this allows you to learn the game with less deaths


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