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Can't join a dedicated server after the 1st time joining


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I'm unable to join a dedicated server for the 2nd time. 


I have tried:

  1. reinstalling
  2. disabling firewall and virus protection
  3. disabling network firewall
  4. running as admin
  5. running in compatibility mode


I always get the same socket errors repeating in the attached log.


Please help others are able to play and I can't join.

This is what happens over and over. Or at least something that looks very similar:


[NM] SocketReceiveThread error: System.ArgumentException: Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.
  at System.Buffer.BlockCopy (System.Array src, System.Int32 srcOffset, System.Array dst, System.Int32 dstOffset, System.Int32 count) [0x00097] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
  at LiteNetLib.NetPacket.FromBytes (System.Byte[] data, System.Int32 start, System.Int32 packetSize) [0x0002e] in <a98a76624af8466183c40c347b368608>:0 
  at LiteNetLib.NetPeer.ProcessPacket (LiteNetLib.NetPacket packet) [0x000d3] in <a98a76624af8466183c40c347b368608>:0 
  at LiteNetLib.NetManager.DataReceived (System.Byte[] reusableBuffer, System.Int32 count, System.Net.IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) [0x00279] in <a98a76624af8466183c40c347b368608>:0 
  at LiteNetLib.NetManager.LiteNetLib.INetSocketListener.OnMessageReceived (System.Byte[] data, System.Int32 length, System.Net.Sockets.SocketError errorCode, System.Net.IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) [0x0002d] in <a98a76624af8466183c40c347b368608>:0 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)



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The trouble seems to start immediately when connecting to the server. Your client is **rejected** 2 times before it is accepted. 


You could try to check any log file where you tried to connect a second time for occurences of the line "LiteNetLib: Connection failed: ConnectionRejected". "Rejected" points to an authentication issue but then it shouldn't suddenly work on the third attempt


If it is a random amount the most likely explanation is a faulty network connection with lots of dropped packages.


If it is always 2 of those lines then I would guess it is a problem with the games network code and someone from TFP with access to the code should take a look.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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Ok thanks. I made a support ticket as well and they said it has to go to the developer.


I should clarify, it the 2nd or more times that this happens. And it happens all on servers. I can join the first time just fine, but get the each time after that.


I have an Ubiquiti home network that's pretty solid and 500mbps fiber as well so I don't think infrastructure is the issue.

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On 8/28/2021 at 3:48 PM, zvaligura said:

Ok thanks. I made a support ticket as well and they said it has to go to the developer.


I should clarify, it the 2nd or more times that this happens. And it happens all on servers. I can join the first time just fine, but get the each time after that.


I have an Ubiquiti home network that's pretty solid and 500mbps fiber as well so I don't think infrastructure is the issue.

Support ticket? To whom?


I was still waiting for you to make that test and see if it is always those two connectionrejected in your logfiles.


How do you know your network connection has no hardware fault in the network card of your PC, in your router or on the other side that just produces lots of faulty packages ? Other games or services might just work because of better error correction or less traffic.


****** One other thing you should do is wipe all your config settings. Start the games launcher, go to the tools tab and select the last option, something like "clear game settings". Clear at least the game settings. Then try again


Other tests you could possibly try:

1) Take your PC to a friend and try to connect twice to a new server. If that works it heavily points to your router or network setup

2) Make a second account on your PC, install 7d2d there and try to connect twice to a new server. If it works you may not have correctly wiped all of the games settings

3) Invite a friend to bring his PC and try with your steam account on his PC. If he has 7d2d as well, he can try as well with his account? If it works, there is something wrong in your windows settings

4) Alternatively to 3 install linux on an external HD for example and try the game on that. If it works there is something wrong in your windows settings

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9 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Support ticket? To whom?

7 days to die support


9 minutes ago, meganoth said:

How do you know your network connection has no hardware fault in the network card of your PC, in your router or on the other side that just produces lots of faulty packages ? Other games or services might just work because of better error correction or less traffic.

Ubiquiti home network monitoring isn't showing any errors. Other applications/computers haven't had any noticeable issues. I ran wireshark and didn't see any errors or TCP errors.


11 minutes ago, meganoth said:

****** One other thing you should do is wipe all your config settings. Start the games launcher, go to the tools tab and select the last option, something like "clear game settings". Clear at least the game settings. Then try again

I've done this a few times.


11 minutes ago, meganoth said:

1) Take your PC to a friend and try to connect twice to a new server. If that works it heavily points to your router or network setup

I've VPN tunneled into a friends network to see and had the same issue



12 minutes ago, meganoth said:

2) Make a second account on your PC, install 7d2d there and try to connect twice to a new server. If it works you may not have correctly wiped all of the games settings

I've been testing safemode today to see if I can get a different result.


12 minutes ago, meganoth said:

3) Invite a friend to bring his PC and try with your steam account on his PC. If he has 7d2d as well, he can try as well with his account? If it works, there is something wrong in your windows settings

Not really possible at the moment. My friend and I are not local.


13 minutes ago, meganoth said:

4) Alternatively to 3 install linux on an external HD for example and try the game on that. If it works there is something wrong in your windows settings

I will look into this more.


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