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Custom Buttons/ Custom Stack Sizes and Extending Electrical Wiring Distance

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So I added the 3rd forge input slot to my server which is fantastic, but now splitting a stack in half to make it cook in evenly obviously doesn't work great since I have to manually split it into 3rds for the 3rd input. 


I was curious if there are any mods that have a custom button or a way to manually choose the amount you wish to put into a new stack (such as in Guild Wars 2 by holding alt? or perhaps shift idr) and a slider menu comes up and you can either push the arrows or type your own number in.


Or adding a custom Button which I believe I can figure out how to do, but if the ability to do manual/custom stack sizes is not accessible/able to be modified, then I won't go that route.


My 2nd question has to do with wiring distances.  I believe they are at 15 blocks right now, and I am wishing to change them up to 20 blocks or so if possible.  I have looked everywhere in the XML's I can think of but I am guessing it is in the  <property name="Class" value="ConnectPower"/> code, but I do not think I can modify that through XML alone.  I tried changing the   <passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_set" value="4"/> but ofcourse all that did was make it so I could click the block to initiate the wiring connection from 20 blocks away and not finish connecting it 🤦‍♂️


Any help or knowledge is much appreciated :)





Edited by alffr0mm3lmac (see edit history)
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