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turrets show on compass but sunk to center of world


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got 2 turrets sunk in ground.. they are outside my base.. they were on steel plates placed on concrete blocks.  i dug down to dirt.. and still no turret where the compass says they are.. they are probably sunk to bottom of world.   This is multiplayer  not my server.. anyway there seems to be a problem with turrets sinking..   the ones IN my base (elevated) did not sink they are sitting on concrete.  maybe it's a steel bug?  any ideas on how i can get my turrets to resurface (pun intended)

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I believe there is a problem with putting the junk turrets on partial blocks like the plates.  Since the plates count as that whole block space the turrets don't like sitting on them and have a chance to sink through the ground.  If you can't see the turret icon floating on your screen, not the compass but the icon that shows where you put it, that means it is greater than 20 blocks away from you.  You may need to dig down to the bottom of the world to get them back or contact the admin of the server to see if they can help you.  

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