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NPCPackHumans DMT or Launcher Install


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Hello, all

Been trying to install NPC packHumans so i can recruit zombie skull crushers, I downloaded all the requirements, creaturepackhuman, spherell scripts etc per requirement. I got DMT to compile all green but game locks up when i select play, i had to delete csharp .dll file to verify steam files and deleting the mods from the mod folder, to get my game back. Anyone  got NPCPackHumans to work on A19, tried it on 19.1 and 19.2 and the game locks up. the modlauncher doesn't seem to recognize the files, tried adding them but they don't show up on the list to the left.

Not to insult anyone but the instructions are like a c++ developer writing a document for another c++ developer. :)




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4 hours ago, harrism76 said:

Hello, all

Been trying to install NPC packHumans so i can recruit zombie skull crushers, I downloaded all the requirements, creaturepackhuman, spherell scripts etc per requirement. I got DMT to compile all green but game locks up when i select play, i had to delete csharp .dll file to verify steam files and deleting the mods from the mod folder, to get my game back. Anyone  got NPCPackHumans to work on A19, tried it on 19.1 and 19.2 and the game locks up. the modlauncher doesn't seem to recognize the files, tried adding them but they don't show up on the list to the left.

Not to insult anyone but the instructions are like a c++ developer writing a document for another c++ developer. :)





Hi harrism76

This is what it takes to install what you want and it works.


SphereII NPC Dialog Windows


I always compile it with DMT because it is the one I use, although there are people who prefer the Mod launcher because it is easier and because they do not know much about how DMT works.
I hope it helps you.

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the 2-charactereffectspack and the 2-NPCFactions are not required by good additions.  The effects pack adds random walktypes, fixes the particle on mesh warnings and adds infections.  The factions are nice as those better control targeting.


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Cool, thanks, yeah DMT seems more straight forward , the launcher makes you copy your game and other stuff. I removed all the mods, had dmt compile just those 4 mods, started a new game and waited. Works now, excellent, i guess that saying "patience is a virtue young grasshopper" or something like that holds true, now i'm slowly adding the modlets back into the mod folder, seems good so far.

Since I'm a girly man i removed the bandits, radiders entry in the xml config file entitygroups in the creaturepackhuman mod, then had DMT compile them, would this be the proper way to disable bandits, or maybe reduce the spawn rate variable from .03 to lower number? I got domed by a bandit the first day i was treasure hunting on a quest, these bandits had shotgun, crossbow, mp5 on the first couple days.

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