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Multiplayer Desync Issue


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Hello, player of about 4 months here.


I play exclusively on a multiplayer server that's extremely popular and frequently at it's increased server cap of 30 players. This hasn't been an issue for months, in fact it used to run at 50 players frequently, but recently (within the last week or so) I've begun having desync issues. What happens is that after I open a loot container and close it, I become unable to interact with any other containers. I can still open and close doors, but I'm not able to open up any other containers- whether loot containers or ones I place. Blocks I place seem to be hit and miss on whether they actually make it to the server or not; a test I performed by making a square of concrete and relogging (which temporarily fixes the issue) had some of the blocks being down and fully upgraded, some still being rebar frames, and some just never being placed at all.


A concurrent issue to this and why I think it's a desync problem is when I kill zombies when I'm not able to loot anything, occasionally some of the zombies will remain alive and aggressive even after they've 'died' and I've gotten the EXP drop on my screen. They'll continue to chase me and attack me, and are able to cause damage. Similarly, I'll sometimes be attacked by completely invisible zombies that seem able to keep up with me even when I'm moving at high speed.


These problems seem to arise if I open a container during a momentary lag spike. My ping is typically a solid 32-33 without any issues, and I've performed a connection stress test while playing to ensure it's not the problem. 


I've done every troubleshooting step on the client end I can think of, including:

  1. Verifying local game files
  2. Making sure my firewall was allowing the game to pass through
  3. Disabling my firewall
  4. Disabling all AV software
  5. Disabling all other bandwidth-consuming programs and processes
  6. Clearing standby memory (which builds due to the memory-leak bug)
  7. Restarting the game client
  8. Restarting my PC
  9. Server host rebooting the server
  10. Loading a rolled back version of my character profile
  11. Rebooting my router
  12. Lowering all game settings to improve FPS


I am at a complete loss at the moment. I've played without issue on this server and even on this map seed with the current arrangement of server mods before. Neither I nor the server admins can figure out what is going on. If anyone, dev or otherwise, has information that might help, PLEASE let me know. It's nearly impossible to play for any longer than 15-20 minutes at a time right now.

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Oddly, 7dtd use to run better for me if I play on a remote server than if I plyed it in SP.  Now it's the complete opposite, so I now play SP exclusively until TFP dig a ibt deeper for tweaks to better Multiplayer experience.  I find the best comprimise is a low player vanilla servers atm.


Now with my new computer, I thought it'll be better maybe in Multiplayer... nope.  I still went back to SP and enjoying 144 fps and smooth gameplay on Ultra .... *shrug*



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