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Is POI Scaling possible in the future?


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My Question first, then an explanation of my thought. Is it possible to add an xml that allows you to scale the POI sleeper
Volume/Spawn in the Config directory?


My example is based on the 7 days horde.  This scales progressively as a player or group's gamestage progresses. POI prefabs

have a base governing xml file for each. When logging on there are options for setting run speed, horde quantity, etc.


Can TFP, at some point, add a file that uses the same sort of logic for the POI's when actuating the sleeper volume? 

When entering a POI, culling works great limiting render, making this is a controlled render environment.


Example: Base Gamestage 1 POI volume would run using the default poi xml.  As a
player or group's gamestage progressed so would the POI spawn to compensate or
vary. I dont mean create a bullet sponge, but instead if you enter the same poi
in two insances, at two different GS levels you would face different adversaries
"progressively harder than the prior".  


The reason for the suggested file addition is simplification of actuation. 1 file to rule them all.


Formatting: In the poi xml give a designation to the spawn volumes, "1,1a,beta,etc."
This could be based on POI size, or potential loot yield. It would allow the scaling
of the volumes instantly on a case by case basis.


Example: beta property value = 0,  can be adjusted to beta property value = +204,
the 204 being GS + 204 so at gamestage 20, this POI volume would be 224 from the
Horde file less the amount. The second property would be beta quantity property value = 0,
0 equals default, adjusted to beta quantity property value = +5, So if the default
quantity of rendered in an area is 2 it would change to 7.


Both single player, and Server admin could adjust the POI scale to match the intial
selections, from the settings screen. If a person is new and wants to try their hand at
hard levels, but don't want a high volume of zombies in pois they could play warrior on
the main selection but set the POI's to minus 1 or 2.

For a replay after getting accustomed to the game mechanics, they could set the scale
to +100,+5. So the same game has their own custom replay ability.


On the other end Players that have been around for a while could set the POI's to a personal
level of difficulty, and quantity, that can be adjusted from a single file, thus remapping


I thought of this because I observed how well the culling camera, is working in the controlled,


POIS are set in basic grouping types, For me I could set weapon shops to hold Zcops, and
medical caches like popNpillz or hospitals to have rabid nurses, from the beginning without
editing each file.


To ask me to refrain from going in these places early on, is like saying Go to the beach and only look at the water and sky.  Human Nature.

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