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Block Orientation control


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When trying to change the orientation of blocks using all axes (x, y, z), it's rather awkward to have to use a single button (LMB) to click through all possible values. Rather than the current somewhat cumbersone system, here's a possible alternative: One kb key or controller button switches the axis, a second rotates the block one position on that axis. This would completely obviate any necessity to have rotation options in the R-hold menu as well, because they would be universal. In situations where rotation on all axes doesn't apply (placing a door, for example), axis selection would just not be available.


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Great idea. But for rotating by keyboard I would propose aswd, arrow keys or the numbers keypad to rotate, switching axis per key is cumbersome.


The best method would be this though: While holding shift or ctrl or RMB you can move the mouse to rotate in all available directions, like in a CAD program.

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