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Multiplayer PvP tips


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Hello guys! I'm playing with some friends a PvP game and I was wondering if some of you could help me with some doubts I have.

I have only played single player and PvE games and I don't have any experience in PvP games so there are so many things that I don't know.


I have found a base of one of them and I'm not sure which is the best way to break and raid it. Certainly not the pickaxe because it would take a lot of time. You should know that we have x3 block damage but the claim block is at x32, and this is not a server 24/7, we only play when the 5 of us are ingame.


Also there's one of us that rides a motorbike and I'm not sure if I can steal it in this version of the game. Is it possible?


And which type of armor would you recommend me? I was about to go for the light armor for the mobility but there's one of us that goes with full heavy armor and it doesn't seems to lack mobility...


Thanks for your help! :)

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I used to play around with PvP and it can be kinda fun. It can also be really brutal. 

Breaking into bases is meant to be difficult, so keep an eye out for things like dynamite or the book that lets you make timed charges (Great Heist I believe)

No, you can't break into other people's bikes, but you can break the bike and feel like a royal pain in their ass! 

As for armour, whatever suits your playstyle. If you just want to be a bullet sponge, go as heavy as you can find/afford. If you wanna be a sneaky boi, go light and hide. 


When I did PvP I was a total ghost and snuck up on people who were fat with loot and just cleared a location. Let them do the heavy lifting. I didn't mess with bases much, but if I did, I'd find the weakest point and exploit it; i.e. tunneling, the roof, a window, etc. People are clever and will hide things in the weirdest places. Looting is basically impossible in 24/7 servers unless you're there on wipe. Yours seems a bit different, so I don't know how to advise for that. 

Ultimately just take note of what you learn. Try other servers and learn from them so you can apply it to your main one. Play like a paranoid maniac and you'll live longer. Bury your chests, hide your bedroll, let the enemies do the heavy lifting and sneak up on 'em. At least that's how I play. 

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