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Some Suggestions

music snob

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I'm sure these are not new, but thought I would bring them up in light on my current play through with my mates.

Our server is using vanilla settings, with insane difficulty. We are on day 31 and most of us are between level 35-55.

1. Balanced XP progression for all specialised roles/tasks: We find that only building and mining specialists generate decent XP with their relevant tasks. Our engineers and cooks are suffering with trying to keep up with level progression

2. Monorail: A way to place a straight line railway system for underground tunnels for 100s of meters of mining activities for quick automated computes and moving large amounts of mined resources.

3. Ear plugs: For using the auger.

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1.  Are you all grouping up together?  We find the only reason the miner and builder on our server are able to keep up with the looters is due to the shared xp from zombie kills.  We do have the zombie spawns turned up though so that definitely affects things.  If the only thing the person is doing is engineering and cooking they would gain barely any xp.  They need to get out there and hunt some animals and do some mining as well.  

2.  What kind of mining activities are you doing where you are going 100s of meters in a straight line?  

3.  Definitely need ear plugs for that thing.  I tried turning down the sound in the game files to 10, down from 60, and it did nothing.  Maybe let us put a silencer on that thing lol.  

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Maybe somewhere in the living off the land skill tree make it able to make nests / chicken coops to have a passive way of getting eggs. there can also be a pigsty where you can farm with some pigs.

to make it more realistic :

… You will need to give the animals that you have some food . to make animal feed from corn or pumpkins as they normally have what animals can eat , cat food can also be used as there is no use for it

… To get a pig, you will need to kit it with a melee weapon to kill it "capture" , same can be done with chickens or rabbits , but then you would not get to butcher it but will need to drag it back to base , this can also make some noise causing hordes to spawn   

… Due to animals making some noise , make it like furnaces where if you have more than 1 at a time, a screaming zombie will appear or a roaming horde



And even further into the future this can be used to make wolfs into dogs as companions, like who don't love dogs

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