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Help with xml for Trying to shorten Trader Quest distances


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Having been frustrated by the ridiculous distance the trader forces me to go to so often for quests, I wanted to shorten it.

I tried to do it as a mod instead of editing the game files, but I can't figure out the xml to do what I want as a mod

I want to add the "distance" property from the treasure hunt quests to the fetch/clear quests, but I do not know the proper syntax and have found no good examples to work off of


I tried this one, and it didn't work for whatever reason. 

<setattribute xpath="/quests/quest_id[@name='tier1_clear']/objective[@name='RandomPOIGoto'] "name="distance">25-300</setattribute>


The goal being to make it look like

        <objective type="RandomPOIGoto">
            <property name="distance" value="50-400"/>
            <property name="phase" value="1"/>
            <property name="biome_filter_type" value="ExcludeBiome" />
            <property name="biome_filter" value="wasteland" />
            <property name="nav_object" value="quest" />


If anyone can point out what I am doing wrong, it would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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Just two things:

1. Wrong xpath.

2. Even with fixed xpath, it won't work the way you expect. Why? Because it's the game code that's looking for the list of POIs to offer when you're requesting job from the trader. These quests are just templates like "Get here, do this, do that, go back to trader for reward", the distance is already decided at the trader's place, not by the quest itself.


If you really wanted the trader to offer you quests in POIs that are close to the trader, you would first need enough nearby POIs and that's more about the POI distribution on the map than anything else.

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