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Game crashes after running console command


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Hi, I'm really hoping someone can help me save my gamefile, myself and a few others have spent about 50 hours over the last couple days and they'll hate me forever if I lost it.  

I stupidly ran into the radiation zone with some important loot, so then I was trying to get hazmat gear to be able to go get it back.  

I ran command: "giveself meleeHandZombieHazMat", thinking that was the item I needed but it clearly was not.  Now if anyone gets close to the base where I was when I issued the command it gives:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at EntityItem.createMesh () [0x001f0] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at EntityItem.OnUpdateEntity () [0x0000e] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at World.TickEntity (Entity e, System.Single _partialTicks) [0x0015d] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at World.TickEntitiesSlice (System.Int32 count) [0x00037] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at World.TickEntitiesFlush () [0x0000c] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00033] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x0029b] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
(Filename: <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769> Line: 0)


and immediately stops you from moving or doing anything else.


Time still progresses but I cannot do anything.

We are running on Alpha 19 (b180) per the top right corner in game. 

Things I have tried:

Verifying file integrity
Deleting my player and loading in with a new one (when I did this, as soon as I got near the base it crashed again).



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