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Forgetting Elixer strategies


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Does anyone use the forgetting elixir strategically? For a reasonable cost you can loose all the early games skills not as important mid or end game.
I switched from perception with the salvage and looting perks to endurance near end game when salvage and looting were lower priorities. You do not even have to switch skill trees (perception, strength, etc.) but can really refine your character build as it "matures" in the game. 

Give it some thought.

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In my MP group, we can get to a certain gamestage and make so much money that we can buy these for all of us, change our builds every week of play, and then do it all over again the following week.


I often perk out of beginner skills because of this.    Right now I'm enjoying the hell out of a glass cannon INT build.   I'm the king of horde night.

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