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I absolutely love the silenced desert vulture and that it doesnt take 30 seconds to aim a rifle (also food system)


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I don't spend enough time reinforcing the positives, but coming back to the game from a18, I absolutely love the silenced desert vulture. Not only does the sfx sound like it packs a punch, but the animations and ragdoll are beautiful. The damage is also appropriate. I also love that they changed the aiming system for rifles. Before it'd take 10 seconds or more to place a single shot without tons of perk points. It was absolutely the worst and no one ever used those guns because of it. The way it is now is beautiful. Kudos.


I will say though that the new unsilenced desert vulture and .44 mag gunshot sounds are like slamming a sock full of gravel against a wall. There's no pop. No oompf. It's like it slurs itself out of a wet anal orifice. 


Oh another thing I love is the food and healing system. Now it's unambiguous how eating multiple items affects the players. Using a countdown system to show how many seconds of healing or food increase is remaining is a brilliant way of compounding food and healing items. It's fantastic. 


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The only real things I got a issue with in a19 is the loot system, and the fact tthe devs keep trying to screw stealth builds, what with the garbage piles on both sides of doors on the intended path and the rooms where everything aggros once you walk in no matter how high your stealth is. I also dislike how they keep taking away options, like, if i wanna live in a hole I should damn well be allowed to. The zombie swimming really gets me though, more the fact they can swim faster than the player can which makes NO damn sense what so ever. The SI system also sucks donkey nuts, it needs to be fix so if you go over the weight limit ONLY that most recently placed block falls down, instead of the entire row of blocks or hell, i've had going 1 block over take out all 3 floors of my 3 floor tower bases.


Other issue is lack of options to customize the game, like I'd like to see options to disable spawns of wolves at night, or disable zombies ability to dig/swim. IMO the only zombie/enemy that should be able to swim/dig is animals, dogs/wolves/bears.

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