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Fog is poorly implemented.


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Not saying that the addition of fog is a bad thing, but...So when you are in the fog, you see the fog and don't see out very well.  When you are outside of the fog, you can see into (where the fog should be) just fine.  Same goes for seeing into/out of the burnt biome.  So the fog doesn't exist unless you are in it?  Sux for immersion, and MP, not even mentioning PvP.

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The fog is also bugged as hell. not only does it effect different players at different times, but if your the host and you play for, i think its 3 hours? or two? not sure. but a infinite fog will roll in and never go away. not only that but rain will start soon after. also not going away. so rather then having different weather effects, it sjust bugged to @%$*#!. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/24/2020 at 12:58 AM, RyanX said:

Not saying that the addition of fog is a bad thing, but...So when you are in the fog, you see the fog and don't see out very well.  When you are outside of the fog, you can see into (where the fog should be) just fine.  Same goes for seeing into/out of the burnt biome.  So the fog doesn't exist unless you are in it?  Sux for immersion, and MP, not even mentioning PvP.

Yup, there's lot disney hub more complaints on fog on this forum. 

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