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Armour Rating decimal point.


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Could we pretty please with zombies on top, have a decimal point for the armour rating and explosion resistant stats so we can see exactly how much each piece offers.

For example, right now we have no way of knowing if each piece gives 12 armour or 12.9 armour.
Since there are 2 random modifiers in A19 we really have no way to tell which piece is better by how much.

I have provided screenshots. Each piece says it offers 12, which would make a total of at least 60







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Nope, I tested it in my test world. Fresh character. Spawned in the same items and got 62 Armour/63 explosive

To put simply, the reading could say 15, but for all we know it could give 15.9

There are two randomly generated numbers for armour pieces in A19 (A18 had one)
First number is determined by the quality of the item, and the second is a random number that gets added on top of the quality number, with the lowest role being 0

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