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Modding Issues


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Having issues getting mods to work I have them installed in the correct folder under 7 days to die mod folder and cant seem to get them to work. I play on single player by myself and never had problems before. Also I'm getting bursts of fps drop and don't know whey. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated. 


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The mods are still somewhat fresh. I've had to repair multiple modlets to get them to work at all, despite being marketed as "working in A19". Try playing with the new Auto FPS features and see if you can get a stable FPS/good looking game. I've also played around with the settings, one by one to see what is punishing my system. 

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6 hours ago, zerkinator said:

alright thanks for the info. i was hoping it was something i wasn't doing but your probably right. not sure where the auto fps is im asssuming under normal settings?

Yeah, It's in video under the first tab.

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