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Mods - Advice

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I would recommend adding modlets one by one at this time. I have tested most of the released modlets on 7daystodiemods.com and quite a few needed to be fixed/tweaked to work correctly due to code changes in the A19 release compared to A18. What makes a mod "great" is that it works for you. Some modlets may greatly change your gameplay, while others just add some minor graphical changes to vehicles. Play with each one for a bit and then decide which ones you want to keep. We are currently running 19 modlets (17 Client-side). I have a relatively comprehensive list of the modlets we're currently using/tweaked that we find enhance Vanilla gameplay. 


Current Mods:

BDub's Vehicles

Motorcycle Alterations (tweaked)

GK Return to Old Farming (tweaked)

BHWComplete Collection (modified)



Bigger Backpack


Backpack Buttons

More cooked foods (modified)

Paintjob (tweaked)

Bicycle find (tweaked)

Steel Bars

UnnecessarybutBeautiful (Hernanxx) (modified)

VideoPlayers (Xyth) (Added recipes and custom videos (copyright safe))

Zombie Pinup Posters (Xyth)


Current Server Mods:

War3zuk 20K stacks

War3zuk Battery acid (tweaked)

War3zuk Demolisher

War3zuk HD Supply Boxes (tweaked)

War3zuk Regrow Vehicles (tweaked)

More animals in specific biomes

Infinite spawning in Wasteland

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