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Create Update or Refund Console Players


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After playing this game for a couple of weeks I've come to find out that we will not be getting game updates that all PC players are enjoying.  I purchased the game based on watching content creators sharing their experiences.  As a company there should be warnings that the game we are purchasing is an old version that has no hope of being the game we should have.  If this were the case the game should have been extremely discounted or warnings available to protect the consumer from this deceptive sales tactic.  Your game is priced as if it is a complete game which it is not.  While the base game is enjoyable it is no where near what the price portrays it to be.  While I now read that it is do to money issues and lack of sound business decisions this in no way justifies why this cannot be done.  You've taken our money now provide the game at its fullest or refund console players.  

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This game was sold as a finished product by TellTale. Your post isn't going to change that.


If you want a refund, follow the return policy of the store you purchased the game from.


Also, we have enough threads already following this type of discussion, yet another is not needed.

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