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Game crashing every time I encouter a "Big Momma" zombie


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2020-07-04T15:20:47 2872.167 INF 2849.616 SleeperVolume -2021, 70, -587. Spawning at -2018, 70, -587, group 'badassHordeStageGS65', class zombieFemaleFat, count 14
2020-07-04T15:20:49 2874.240 INF 2851.684 SleeperVolume -1560, 76, -440. Restoring at -1542, 82, -434 'zombieCheerleader', count 15
2020-07-04T15:20:49 2874.408 INF 2851.856 SleeperVolume -1560, 76, -440. Restoring at -1526, 82, -429 'zombieCheerleader', count 15
2020-07-04T15:20:49 2874.550 INF 2851.996 SleeperVolume -1560, 76, -440. Restoring at -1557, 82, -428 'zombieArlene', count 15
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at EModelBase.LookAtUpdate () [0x000c5] in <6a46c2edc6fd4694a52b62dce92a910d>:0 
  at EModelBase.LateUpdate () [0x0001e] in <6a46c2edc6fd4694a52b62dce92a910d>:0 
(Filename: <6a46c2edc6fd4694a52b62dce92a910d> Line: 0)
2020-07-04T15:20:49 2874.611 INF 2852.06 SleeperVolume -1560, 76, -440. Restoring at -1537, 82, -433 'zombieSteve', count 15
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at EModelBase.LookAtUpdate () [0x000c5] in <6a46c2edc6fd4694a52b62dce92a910d>:0 
  at EModelBase.LateUpdate () [0x0001e] in <6a46c2edc6fd4694a52b62dce92a910d>:0 

Any ideas? ..


Playing Vanilla on Experimental A19 


PC Specs - 

RTX 2060

Intel I5 8400k 

16 GB RAM 


- Iejen




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13 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

Need the whole log.  What you provided isn't useful.


Instructions are in the pinned thread.

Hi SylenThunder,


It had been fixed after the server got updates to 159. 

Probably a conflict with a server in 157 and a cliënt on 159.


- Iejen

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