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Will simple mods still work in A19 ?


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Just wondering if some of the simpler modlets I use will work or could be easily made to work in A19,  or will it break everything.


I'm talking about *really* simple mods, like changing the quantities of things needed for a recipe, or how many skill points you get per level. I can find my way around the xml in A18 well enough to make modlets like that do what I want, is the xml in A19 structured more or less the same way and I'll be able to just edit paths and get stuff going again ?

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10 hours ago, Grolbu said:

Just wondering if some of the simpler modlets I use will work or could be easily made to work in A19,  or will it break everything.


I'm talking about *really* simple mods, like changing the quantities of things needed for a recipe, or how many skill points you get per level. I can find my way around the xml in A18 well enough to make modlets like that do what I want, is the xml in A19 structured more or less the same way and I'll be able to just edit paths and get stuff going again ?

There is no way to know what has changed, so will have to wait for experimental to find out if any will work. 


Since the change in A17 that made modding easier, small modlets have started appearing within day or two of experimental release. So may not have to wait long on some of them.

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