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Help with loading in prefabs?


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I posted a topic in another section of the forums but thought the general discussion might get more views so maybe someone can help me? I'm getting kind of desperate. I have tried so many times to load in a prefab without any success. I have had one of the makers of the prefab (it's the Eden mall) personally try to help but no luck. I watched his video and followed the instructions exactly. Each and every time the prefab does not load in the position I want. It either loads off the ground a little bit or in the terrain. I'll try to explain in as much detail as I can what my steps are and maybe someone can help me figure out what I am doing wrong.


I load into Nav and go to the farmhouse in the crops section. I go into DM mode. I clear the section of land that I want. I do this by pressing Z and a blue box appears about the size of a wood frame. I start with one end of the section and basically go to the other end, making a big square when I press Z at the other end. I hold Shift+G to make it a bit taller and press K. I select Dynamic Prefab (I think that is it cause I don't have my game up atm) and click on clear space. I press the Backspace button and the space clears just fine. I go to the West corner of the cleared space and press Z again and the same wood frame size blue box appears. I press K again and click on Dynamic Prefabs again. I select the name of the mall from the list that's on the right side of the screen. I then click load prefab. And that is where it always messes up. There's a big lime green square that appears (I know that is normal but it is not in the place I have cleared) It either loads in just behind the farmhouse (where I have never even been to) and in the terrain or off the ground a little bit. I have noticed that when I try to load the prefab in and I'm standing just inside the cleared section at the corner, the same big lime green box appears but it is EXACTLY outside of the area I just cleared. The same results though, either in the terrain or just above the ground.


I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Could I have somehow messed up putting the download of the mall in my 7 Days To Die files? I have tried this using plain vanilla maps, Nitrogen maps and the Nav map. If anyone knows what I am doing wrong, please let me know. I would truly appreciate it. I've been wanting to play and experience this mall for weeks now and I just can't. And if you have read this far, sorry for the novel and I hope you have a great day/night. Stay safe! :)

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On 4/21/2020 at 5:49 PM, Lorri said:

I posted a topic in another section of the forums but thought the general discussion might get more views so maybe someone can help me? I'm getting kind of desperate. I have tried so many times to load in a prefab without any success. I have had one of the makers of the prefab (it's the Eden mall) personally try to help but no luck. I watched his video and followed the instructions exactly. Each and every time the prefab does not load in the position I want. It either loads off the ground a little bit or in the terrain. I'll try to explain in as much detail as I can what my steps are and maybe someone can help me figure out what I am doing wrong.


I load into Nav and go to the farmhouse in the crops section. I go into DM mode. I clear the section of land that I want. I do this by pressing Z and a blue box appears about the size of a wood frame. I start with one end of the section and basically go to the other end, making a big square when I press Z at the other end. I hold Shift+G to make it a bit taller and press K. I select Dynamic Prefab (I think that is it cause I don't have my game up atm) and click on clear space. I press the Backspace button and the space clears just fine. I go to the West corner of the cleared space and press Z again and the same wood frame size blue box appears. I press K again and click on Dynamic Prefabs again. I select the name of the mall from the list that's on the right side of the screen. I then click load prefab. And that is where it always messes up. There's a big lime green square that appears (I know that is normal but it is not in the place I have cleared) It either loads in just behind the farmhouse (where I have never even been to) and in the terrain or off the ground a little bit. I have noticed that when I try to load the prefab in and I'm standing just inside the cleared section at the corner, the same big lime green box appears but it is EXACTLY outside of the area I just cleared. The same results though, either in the terrain or just above the ground.


I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Could I have somehow messed up putting the download of the mall in my 7 Days To Die files? I have tried this using plain vanilla maps, Nitrogen maps and the Nav map. If anyone knows what I am doing wrong, please let me know. I would truly appreciate it. I've been wanting to play and experience this mall for weeks now and I just can't. And if you have read this far, sorry for the novel and I hope you have a great day/night. Stay safe! :)

Hi Lorri,

I apologize for not getting back to you in the other thread.  Let me see if I can at least get you a prefab.xml for Nav for the mall...BRB

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Step 1)  Copy/Paste your prefab files into your 7d2d prefabs directory


Step 2) Download and copy this modified Navesgane prefabs.xml file into your Navesgane world directory.



Alternatively, if you prefer, you can enter the following line into your Navesgane prefabs.xml file if you don't want to use my sample.

<decoration type="model" name="Mall_DOD" position="2088,71,249" rotation="1" />

Step 3) Delete the splat3 and splat4 "processed" tga files within your Navesgane world directory.  This should ensure you have no strange terrain texture blending with the mall.  The game will recreate these files when you start a new Navesgane game.


Step 4) Navigate to the following location (Far East side of the forest biome) on your Navesgane Map and enjoy! (New game recommended)




FYI, the copy of the Mall I used was the one linked in Capp's video description.  See below if you need a new copy of the files.



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Well, I followed your instructions and unfortunately it did not work. It did somewhat load in at the place you set it to but whenever I get near it, the entire middle disappears. I step back from it and it somewhat loads in. I never saw it load in completely though. I tried to take a screen shot but I somehow turned Airplane mode on instead. Yes, I am that dumb and that much of a novice lol I truly appreciate you trying and taking the time to do all of that. I guess I'm not meant to play in it. 

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Sounds like maybe some of the prefab files are missing?  From the screenshot above you should of had 6 mall_dod files copied over.  If you havent tried to redownload from the source I would try that.


Also, as you approach the location where the mall is supposed to load, you can press the F1 key to see if there are any red or yellow messages (e.g. prefab failing to load).  This may help troubleshoot the problem further.

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I'm sorry I have taken a little break from trying. I just tried doing everything you instructed again. No difference. I was able to figure out how to take screen shots of what happened though. Here they are. The first one is what it looks like as I approach it. The second is what it looks like once I get close enough to it. It sort of just disappears. I pushed the F1 key and no bad text came up. I went back and pushed the F1 key and took a screen shot of it. Maybe I am wrong about the bad text but I don't see anything? I have no clue what is going on. Do you have any idea what it means?





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