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Cannot connect to multiplayer/friends server

Ridley Squid

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Hello I am wondering if you could help me, got 7days to die on xbox one console. I am having issue with the game I cant seem to connect to mulitiplayer servers or join my friends servers the message keeps appearing saying you have been disconnected please try again later. I can invite friends to my game but after 5mins they get either kicked or have issues. I believe it maybe a bug issue of some sort astl i have tried everything to rectify it through Microsoft gamer experts support. I have tried opening ports on my router, I've reset my entire console and kept games and added my account still no luck. I've done a hard reset. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Please could you help me.

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Yea my NAT is open, I've even open a lot of ports up.thats required for xbox one. But still no luck. I can invite players but it causes issues after five minutes. When I install the game it's a size of 3 .90gb ive had it for nearly three years now where my friends have just bought this year and it is a size of 4.90gb considering there hasnt been an update I dont know whether to try and repurchase the game?? Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks

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Yea my NAT is open, I've even open a lot of ports up.thats required for xbox one. But still no luck. I can invite players but it causes issues after five minutes. When I install the game it's a size of 3 .90gb ive had it for nearly three years now where my friends have just bought this year and it is a size of 4.90gb considering there hasnt been an update I dont know whether to try and repurchase the game?? Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks


Do you have Xbox Live Gold? And it's weird that you're having connectivity issues with multiplayer? I've never had that kind of issue with the game before, I was just playing with someone else on their map yesterday. However could it possibly be your ISP? With that said, I wish there was something I could do to help you, but unfortunately I've never experienced this kind of problem before and I play on Xbox One as well. Anyway my only recommendation for you would be, try resetting your entire Xbox One console while keeping just your Games & Apps, give that a try and see if it helps. Best of luck, cheers!

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Thank you for your reply, no I game share with my brother so I'm sharing his xbox live, do you reckon that could have something to do with it?? I have already tried resetting it. I could reset it again and get rid of the game and possibly repurchase it to get an updated version?

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Thank you for your reply, no I game share with my brother so I'm sharing his xbox live, do you reckon that could have something to do with it?? I have already tried resetting it. I could reset it again and get rid of the game and possibly repurchase it to get an updated version?


Ok, then try this and see if it helps. Have your brother who is the Xbox Live Gold account holder, have him go to "Settings" > "Family settings" > "Manage family members" and then from there have him add your account where you see "Add to family". That being said, this should now allow him to share his Xbox Live Gold subscription with you. Also make sure that both Xbox accounts are set as "My home Xbox" as well. This setting can be found under, "General" > "Personalization" > "My home Xbox" which is located at the bottom. However make sure to do the Xbox Family first before doing the My home Xbox part, let me know if this works ok, hope it does, cheers!

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Hey again, I got my brother to add me to his family account then then we did the making each other our home xbox part. Unfortunately it didnt work. He even bought his own version of the game to see if that would help but no luck.


I don't know then, that right there should of worked. Why not just play split screen with each other? Are you guys trying to play together in multiplayer using the same console, or are you trying to play with each other while using your own Xbox and own game? Have you tried having your brother create a world and then send you an invite through Xbox Live to see if you can join that way? I'm sorry you're experiencing these issues, however I can't say that I've ever had the same problems while trying to play multiplayer.

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Hey sorry for late reply, no we play on our own consoles on xbox live. We wont be able to do split screen as too far away from each other. We havent tried him creating a world yet and him inviting me. It is strange really I've had microsoft help me but could no longer give me support as they ran out of ideas and was worried it could mess up my account consoles if they kept on troubleshooting.

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Hey sorry for late reply, no we play on our own consoles on xbox live. We wont be able to do split screen as too far away from each other. We havent tried him creating a world yet and him inviting me. It is strange really I've had microsoft help me but could no longer give me support as they ran out of ideas and was worried it could mess up my account consoles if they kept on troubleshooting.


Do you also have Xbox Live Gold as well? If your brother has Gold and you don't, then you won't be able to play together unless you both have access to Xbox Live. The next time you talk to your brother, have him create a new game under "Local" and then once he spawns in the new world, have him pause the game and invite you through Xbox Live and see if you can join that way. Also make sure the both of you have Xbox Live Gold subscriptions, because you need it in order to play online together since you're playing on separate consoles.

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Hello sorry for late reply, yea I have purchased xbox live gold and it still has not worked I cannot connect to my brothers multiplayer server, and i have  tried connecting to my friends server still coming up with the message error: disconnected please try again later. I can however invite friends and my brothertoo my server but after 5mins they get issues. Such as disconnect of freeze.

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Yeah I don't have a clue man, I recently just tested playing online with a buddy of mine and everything works fine on our end. The only thing I can think of is, maybe it has something to do with someone's internet, router, ports etc. It definitely seems like some people have issues and some don't, but as of right now I'm all out of ideas/options at this point. Hopefully you'll figure it out eventually, best of luck mate, cheers! 

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No worries mate it sure is a mystery why I cant connect. I really do appreciate your support on this, perhaps maybe there will be an update in the future, I will sure look Into my router. I do have one more question If I were to consider purchasing  the game for PC could play with friends who play it on xbox one?

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Unfortunately there is no cross-play feature for 7 Days To Die, but hopefully this is something the devs might consider in the future on next gen hardware. Although I'm not entirely sure about PC being able to cross-play with console, but it would definitely be awesome if the PS5 and XSX could cross-play with each other though. And no problem man, I'm always down to help out my fellow survivors in the community, it just sucks that we weren't successful on fixing your multiplayer issues. Well if you ever need help with anything else in the future, please don't hesitate to send me a message here on the forums. Hope you have a great day mate, cheers buddy!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Me and my 2 friends constantly get errors when we try playing on ps4. We spend more time restarting after error boots us it seems then we actually spend in game. We are playing private games online so not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. Also when I get game invites and select to join I can't go beyond the 7 days main menu... I always require a 2nd invite before I'm allowed to join. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem but kind of the same when ever I try and join my friends sever it usually works but after like 9pm it stops working and gives me “failed to connect to server try again later” but I was just connected a little bit ago which makes no sense what so ever. Nothing has changed except for the time so I have no idea what the problem is. I’ve tried everything I can ive reset my router I’ve restarted the game the Xbox and So has my friend but it just won’t work after 9pm. 

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Hello all, I'm not sure if this'll help but if you have a modem and/or multiple routers try connecting each console to different routers. It seemed to work for me, haven't tried it long term yet but wanted to share info since I was having the same issue trying to get a game going with my girlfriend, brother, and nephew; all in different houses except for my girlfriend and I. 

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