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Shopping list mod?


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Would it be possible to make a mod that lets you "tag" items you need for it? like a shopping list that you can clamp somewhere on the screen? that would be super usefull when you are out looting.


Say for example you want to make a stone axe you open up the recipe list and then maybe like the favorite tag works but for a shopping list instead, you click that and it shows that you need to loot 2x Small Stone, 2x Plant Fibers, 2x Wood on the screen when you close down the recipe list, and when you loot one of the things on the list it counts down so when you pick up a stone it now shows that you need one stone.


I have no ide how modding works in this game and it might not even be remotly possible but hey just a thought.

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An easy way might be to implement it as a quest. Just take one of the starting quests as template. You can find them in "quests.xml".


And also use one of the quests that get started by reading a yellow slip of paper as template how to activate the quest. Then you can control how the player can get the list. Either random in loot or reliably through buying in one of the vending machines

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